Putting an ECS Service behind an ALB, using Ansible

Buzzword bingo. If you want to set up an ECS Service (on Fargate), fronted by an ALB (and an API Gateway, and a WAF, and CloudFront – to tick all the boxes), there’s an ansible task for you.

Assuming you already have a task definition, creating a service is pretty straightforward:

- name: Create service
    name: ...
    cluster: ...
    task_definition: ...
      assign_public_ip: no
      security_groups: ...
      subnets: [...]
    launch_type: FARGATE
    desired_count: ...
    load_balancers: ...

The important bit is the `load_balancers` section. The ansible docs aren’t very informative on this point:

But that just means you need to switch to the AWS docs. You need a list, containing a dict per LB:

        targetGroupArn: arn:aws:elasticloadbalancing:region:accountId:targetgroup/serviceName/id
        containerName: ...
        containerPort: 8080

With the arn of the target group that the tasks should be added to/removed from, the name of the container (in case your task definition contains more than one), and the port that traffic should be forwarded to.

Doing gitops without Kubernetes

gitops is a hot topic with the “cloud native” crowd, but is it still relevant if you aren’t using k8s? In a word, yes.

While most examples are of kubernetes yaml (or helm charts), there’s nothing stopping you applying the same principles to your homegrown CD pipeline, and reaping the same benefits.

We are in the process of moving from systemd services to docker, running on our own hosts (ec2 instances). The easy thing to do, would be to just pull latest every time, but it’s not ideal to have no control over what version of software you have installed where.

Instead, we have a git repo containing fragments of yaml, one for each service:

  image: >-
  gitCommit: somesha
  buildNumber: '123'
    BAR: baz

The staging branch of these are updated by the CI build for each service, triggered by a push to main, once the new image has been pushed to ECR.

To deploy, we run an ansible playbook on each docker host. First, we load up all the yaml:

- name: Get service list
      repo: git@github.com:someorg/docker-services.git
      dest: "{{ docker_services_folder }}"
      version: "{{ docker_services_env | default('staging') }}"
  delegate_to: localhost
  run_once: yes
  register: docker_services_repo

We then generate an env file for each service:

- name: "Create env files"
  template: src=env_file dest=/etc/someorg/{{ docker_services[item].name }}
  become: yes
    app_name: "{{ docker_services[item].name }}"
    env_vars: "{{ docker_services[item].env_vars | default([]) }}"
  loop: "{{ docker_services.keys() }}"
  register: env_files

And finally run each container:

- name: "Pull & Start Services"
    name: "{{ docker_services[item].name }}"
    image: "{{ docker_services[item].image }}"
    state: "started"
    restart_policy: "always"
    recreate: "{{ env_files.results | selectattr('item', 'equalto', item) | map(attribute='changed') | first }}"
    pull: true
    init: true
    output_logs: true
    log_driver: "syslog"
      tag: someorg
      syslog-facility: local0
    env_file: "/etc/someorg/{{ docker_services[item].name }}"
    network_mode: "host"
  loop: "{{ docker_services.keys() }}"
  become: yes

If the env vars have changed, the container needs to be recreated. Otherwise, only the images that have changed will be restarted (we still remove the node from the LB first).

This gives us an audit trail of which image has been deployed, and makes rollbacks easy (revert the commit).

If the staging deploy is successful (after some smoke tests run), another job creates a PR to merge the changes onto the production branch. When that is merged (after any necessary inspection), the same process repeats on the prod hosts.

Disk by id

We’ve been using an (openstack based) cloud provider, that can’t guarantee a stable device name for an attached volume.

This was causing problems when used in /etc/fstab; on reboot, if the device name was incorrect, the instance would hang.

It’s pretty straight forward to use the UUID instead, with ansible:

- name: Mount vol
  become: yes
    path: "{{ mount_point }}"
    src: "UUID={{ ansible_devices[device_name].partitions[device_name + '1'].uuid }}"
    fstype: ext4
    state: mounted

but we still needed the device_name in group vars. Our provider explained that a stable id was provided, in /dev/disk/by-id, which could be used directly for most tasks:

- name: Create a new primary partition
    device: "/dev/disk/by-id/{{ device_id }}"
    number: 1
    state: present
  become: yes

- name: Create ext4 filesystem on vol
  become: yes
    fstype: ext4
    dev: "/dev/disk/by-id/{{ device_id }}-part1"

But how do you get from the id, to the device name?

$ ls /dev/disk/by-id/
virtio-c11c38e5-7021-48d2-a  virtio-c11c38e5-7021-48d2-a-part1
"ansible_devices": {
        "vda": {
        "vdb": {
        "vdc": {
            "links": {
                "ids": [

This seemed like a job for json_query but, after a fruitless hour or two, I gave up and used this (slightly hacky) solution suggested on SO:

- name: Get device name
    device_name: "{{ item.key }}"
  with_dict: "{{ ansible_devices }}"
  when: "(item.value.links.ids[0] | default()) == device_id"
  no_log: yes

Ansible, AWS, and bastion hosts, oh my!

There’s some useful info available about using a jump host with Ansible, and AWS dynamic inventory; but either the world has changed since those were written, or my scenario is slightly different.

I defined my inventory first:

plugin: aws_ec2
  - eu-west-2
 - key: tags.Type
   separator: ''
  ansible_host: private_ip_address

(that last bit is important, otherwise the ssh config won’t work). At this point you should be able to list (or graph) the instances you want to connect to:

$ ansible-inventory -i inventories/eu-west-2.aws_ec2.yml --list

Next you need some ssh config:

Host 10.0.*.*
    ProxyCommand ssh -W %h:%p admin@

I kept it pretty minimal. The IP mask needs to match whatever you used for the subnet(s) the instances are attached to (obvs). And the login may vary depending on the image you used, if you are using the defaults.

You can then use this config when running your playbook:

ANSIBLE_SSH_ARGS="-F lon_ssh_config" ansible AppServer -i inventories/eu-west-2.aws_ec2.yml -u admin -m ping

The IP address for the jump host is hard-coded in the ssh config, which isn’t ideal. We may use a DNS record, and update that instead, if it changes; but there doesn’t seem any easy way to either get that from the inventory, or update the cname automatically.

Adding/removing LBaaS pool members, using Ansible

We use a load balancer to achieve “zero downtime deployments”. During a deploy, we take each node out of the rotation, update the code, and put it back in. If you’re using the Rackspace Cloud, there are ansible modules provided (as described here).

If you’re just using OpenStack though, it’s not quite as simple. While there are some ansible modules, there doesn’t seem to be one for managing LBaaS pool members. It is possible to create a pool member using a heat template, but that doesn’t really fit into an ansible playbook.

The only alternative seems to be using the neutron cli, which is deprecated (but doesn’t seem to have been replaced, for controlling a LBaaS anyway).

Fortunately, it can return output in a machine readable format (json), which makes calling it from ansible relatively simple. To add a pool member, in an idempotent fashion:

- name: Get current pool members
  local_action: command neutron lbaas-member-list test-gib-lb-pool --format json
  register: member_list

- set_fact: pool_member={{ member_list.stdout | from_json | selectattr("address", "equalto", ansible_default_ipv4.address) | map(attribute="id") | list }}

- name: Remove node from LB
  local_action: command neutron lbaas-member-delete {{ pool_member | first }} test-gib-lb-pool
  when: (pool_member | count) > 0

You first need to check if the current host is in the list of pool members. If so, remove it; otherwise, do nothing.

Once the code is updated, and the services restarted, you can put the node back in the pool:

- name: Add node to LB
  local_action: command neutron lbaas-member-create --name {{ inventory_hostname }} --subnet gamevy_subnet --address {{ ansible_default_ipv4.address }} --protocol-port 443 test-gib-lb-pool

This seems to be quite effective, but we have seen some errors when the members are deleted (which isn’t exactly “zero” downtime). If I find a better approach I’ll update this.

A squad of squids

We use squid as a forward proxy, to ensure that all outbound requests come from the same (whitelisted) IP addresses.

Originally, we chose the proxy to use at deploy time, using an ansible template:

"proxy": "http://{{ hostvars['proxy-' + (["01", "02"] | random())].ansible_default_ipv4.address }}:3128"

This “load balanced” the traffic, but wouldn’t be very useful if one of the proxies disappeared (the main reason for having two of them!)

I briefly considered using nginx to pass requests to squid, as it was already installed on the app servers; but quickly realised that wouldn’t work, for the same reason we needed to use squid in the first place: it can’t proxy TLS traffic.

A bit of research revealed that you can group multiple squid instances into a hierarchy. Taken care of by some more templating, in the squid config this time:

{% if inventory_hostname in groups['app_server'] %}
{% for host in proxy_ips %}
cache_peer {{ host }} parent 3128 0 round-robin
{% endfor %}
never_direct allow all
{% endif %}

Where the list of IPs is a projection from inventory data:

proxy_ips: "{{ groups['proxy_server'] | map('extract', hostvars, ['ansible_default_ipv4', 'address']) | list }}"

Error from postgresql_user

We have an ansible task that creates a postgres user (role) for vagrant:

- name: Create vagrant user
  sudo: true
  sudo_user: postgres
  postgresql_user: name=vagrant role_attr_flags=CREATEDB,CREATEUSER

which was working fine with ansible 1.9; but when we upgraded to 2.0, we started getting an error if the user already existed.

TASK [pg-vagrant : Create vagrant user] ****************************************
fatal: [default]: FAILED! => {"changed": false, "failed": true, "module_stderr": "", "module_stdout": "\r\nTraceback (most recent call last):\r\n  File \"/tmp/ansible-tmp-1457016468.17-9802839733620/postgresql_user\", line 2722, in \r\n    main()\r\n  File \"/tmp/ansible-tmp-1457016468.17-9802839733620/postgresql_user\", line 621, in main\r\n    changed = user_alter(cursor, module, user, password, role_attr_flags, encrypted, expires, no_password_changes)\r\n  File \"/tmp/ansible-tmp-1457016468.17-9802839733620/postgresql_user\", line 274, in user_alter\r\n    if current_role_attrs[PRIV_TO_AUTHID_COLUMN[role_attr_name]] != role_attr_value:\r\n  File \"/usr/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/psycopg2/extras.py\", line 144, in __getitem__\r\n    x = self._index[x]\r\nKeyError: 'rolcreateuser'\r\n", "msg": "MODULE FAILURE", "parsed": false}

When I checked that the user had been created successfully the first time I provisioned:

=# \dg
                                 List of roles
    Role name     |                   Attributes                   | Member of
 postgres         | Superuser, Create role, Create DB, Replication | {}
 vagrant          | Superuser, Create DB                           | {}

I noticed that the role actually had Superuser privileges, something the documentation confirmed:

These clauses are an obsolete, but still accepted, spelling of SUPERUSER and NOSUPERUSER. Note that they are not equivalent to CREATEROLE as one might naively expect!

So it looks like somewhere in the toolchain (ansible, psycopg2, postgres) this is no longer supported. Substituting SUPERUSER for CREATEUSER fixed the issue.

Ansible templates and urlencode

If you use ansible templates to generate your config, and strong passwords, chances are that you know to use urlencode:

    "postgres": "postgres://{{ db_user }}:{{ db_password|urlencode() }}@{{ db_server }}/{{ db_name }}",

to ensure that any special chars are not mangled. Unfortunately, as I discovered to my cost, the jinja filter does NOT encode a forward slash as %2F.

apt update_cache with ansible

Installing 3rd party software, e.g. elasticsearch, sometimes involves adding an apt repo:

- name: Add apt repository
  apt_repository: repo='deb https://example.com/apt/example jessie main'

Once this has been added, it’s necessary to call apt-get update before the new software can be installed. It’s tempting to do so by adding update_cache=yes to the apt call:

- name: Install pkg
  apt: name=example update_cache=yes

But a better solution is to separate the two:

- name: Add apt repository
  apt_repository: repo='deb https://example.com/apt/example jessie main'
  register: apt_source_added

- name: Update cache
  apt: update_cache=yes
  when: apt_source_added|changed

- name: Install pkg
  apt: name=example

This ensures that the (time consuming) update only happens the first time, when the new repo is added. It also makes it much clearer what is taking the time, if the build hangs.

EDIT: I completely forgot that it’s possible to add the update_cache attribute directly to the apt_repository call. Much simpler!

- name: Add apt repository
  apt_repository: repo='deb https://example.com/apt/example jessie main' update_cache=yes

- name: Install pkg
  apt: name=example

Ansible & systemctl daemon-reload

(UPDATE 2: there’s also a systemd module now, which should provide a neater wrapper round these commands. Explicit daemon-reload is still required)

(UPDATE: there is now a PR open to add this functionality)

We recently migrated to Debian 8 which, by default, uses systemd. I can appreciate why some people have misgivings about it, but from my point of view it’s been a massive improvement.

Our unit files look like this now:

ExecStart=/var/www/{{ app_name }}/app.js
SyslogIdentifier={{ app_name }}
User={{ app_name }}
Group={{ app_name }}
Environment=NODE_ENV={{ env }}
WorkingDirectory=/var/www/{{ app_name }}


Compared to a 3 page init script, using start-stop-daemon. And we no longer need a watchdog like monit.

We do our deployments using ansible, which already knows how to play nice with systemd. One thing missing though, is that if you change a unit file you need to call systemctl daemon-reload before the changes will be picked up.

There’s a discussion underway as to whether ansible should take care of it. But for now, the easiest thing to do is add another handler:

- name: Install unit file
  sudo: true
  copy: src=foo.service dest=/lib/systemd/system/ owner=root mode=644
    - reload systemd
    - restart foo

with a handler like this:

- name: reload systemd
  sudo: yes
  command: systemctl daemon-reload

UPDATE: if you need to restart the service later in the same play, you can flush the handlers to ensure daemon-reload has been called:

- meta: flush_handlers