Jenkins Host Key Verification Configuration

Known hosts & SSH is always a pain, but just turning it off never seems like a good idea (even if it has probably never failed for the right reason).

In the past, we have used ssh-keyscan when setting up a Jenkins instance, but another option is to set the host key verification configuration to “Accept first connection”:

Automatically adds host keys to the known_hosts file if the host has not been seen before, and does not allow connections to previously-seen hosts with modified keys.

This is what most people do locally, when prompted.

Our shiny new Jenkins instance is supposed to only be configured by CasC though, and I couldn’t work out what the yaml would look like (the plugin docs have since been updated).

It turns out that there is a very handy “view configuration” button:

allowing you to make changes in the UI, and then check the generated config:

The future is bright indeed.

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